Kunming Construction Engineering Trade Center is a only fixed place for contracts for the construction projects at provincial level.all trade activities for the contract of the construction projects constructive material price information and contract censorship the formalities relating to proceding management projection order send may be completed in the trade center.
1、Information service To collect and provide information of all types of construction projects.invitation for bid and submission of tender management policies and rules,market quotation of building materials,prospective,design,constru-ction.supervisory unit ete.
2、Service of meeting affairs To provide the parties to invitation for bid and submission of tender with meeting places for negotiation,bidopening and evaluation.
3、Consulting service To provide consulting services in the respoots of laws,rules and regulations,polieres and teehnolo-gical economy relating to the construction of projects.to pro-vide a bank of experts and appraisers on construction of pro-jects and to organize the experts and appriasisers for bid evaluation.
4、Service in management To provide the departments in charge of invitation for bid and submission of tender.censor quality control and afety supervision.managent of construction cost,industry and commerce,public notary,management in build-ing industry ete.
5、Commercial service To provide telephone,copier,typewrite,
fax and other services.
The trade center areas is 800 m2 and makes public the pro-cedures in handing affairs,items of service and requirements for handing affairs and whole-heartedly renders good services to the public.